
AutoHotkey script to emulate a Quake-style console with mintty


AutoHotkey script to emulate a Quake-style console with mintty


This AutoHotkey script creates a system-wide hotkey for accessing the mintty terminal as a dropdown console, as popularized by the PC game, Quake™.

I started development on this back in 2011, originally forking it from marcharding’s 75-line implemention. It has since grown to 620+ lines (and counting!).

Life events got in the way and I had to stop development on it for a number of years. However, with the release of Windows Subsystem for Linux, and consquentially wsltty, I have resumed work on this project. I owe thanks to the members of the GitHub community that contributed bug fixes and features in my absence. Going forward, I plan to continue active development on this project. So please, report issues and feature requests through the project’s GitHub page.


mintty-quake-console screencap Note: The animation is actually much more fluid than shown here.

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